Blog: In The News
Best Compliment of the Week
“Through email and when we talked on the phone I could tell you knew your stuff. Then when I met you I thought you were crazy. So I knew you would be a good director.” Angela SteinerMusic Director, SPAMALOT.
Richmond Family Magazine review of THE TEMPEST
Reviewed by Tony Farrell If only every dad could be so lucky. You wear your magic cloak, you wield your magic staff, and everyone in the neighborhood is bent to your wild-eyed will. The mail is never late, and the kids stay off your lawn. Best of all, your cosmic powers keep that teenage hunk…
Richmond Times Dispatch preview article on THE TEMPEST
It’s got magic. And fairies. And monsters. And young lovers. It’s got a really, really big storm. What more could a kid ask for? But this isn’t your average Disney movie or the latest animated adventure from Pixar. This is Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” the famous comedy-romance that has been gracing world stages for 500 years.…
Virginia This Morning, CBS
Check out the two clips. [1] Charley Raintree and Isabelle Andrews performing from THE TEMPEST and [2] Director James Alexander Bond & Artistic Director Jan Powell talk Shakespeare!